First: Check with your local health department on what they require at temporary food/beverage stalls. Requirements vary by county, so if you’re planning to travel, check every place you’ll want to set up.
Below is a blend of our experience at large crowd events and working with Bay Area health departments.
– Fender Blender bike blender.
– Multiple pitchers. This is a personal preference. We bring one for each flavor on the menu, plus a vegan/dairy-free one to keep the booth running smoothly. Fewer pitchers than flavors means washing between blending.
– Tables. One for food prep is a must, and one for cleaning and hand washing areas.
– Cups. A no-brainer. Something to serve your smoothies in! Be green and use compostable cups.
– Knife and cutting board. For cutting bananas, rinds, or green tops. We recommend a kitchen knife with a sheath and flexible cutting sheets.
– Cooler. Keeps your frozen and refrigerated items nice and cold.
– Trash and compost receptacles. Leave no trace.
– Helping hands. We recommend at least 2 people to a smoothie booth: one to handle money and sales, one to make smoothies. A third is also helpful to work solely on the bike, adjusting the seat for riders and coaching their blending.
– 3 wash bins (wash/rinse/bleach). Make sure your pitchers fit in them (especially if High Performance). Also remember to bring enough dish soap and bleach to fit your food permit requirements. Sponges are very helpful! If multiple people are working or taking shifts, we recommend labeling the bins.
– Hand washing station (dispenser, water, catchment container, soap, towels). We set a 5 gallon water dispenser on a table with a plastic bin underneath to catch the gray water. Hand soap and paper towels are near/on the dispenser.
– 10 x 10 tent with walls. Many health departments require a tent to prevent debris from falling into your food and/or prep station. The tent must have walls to keep people/animals/debris out.
– Food service gloves. The simplest way to keep your hands clean and the health department happy.
– Smoothie booth sign. Increases visibility from across the space, thus increasing your sales and profits!
– Menu and pricing signage. Saves you having to tell every customer, and the line moves faster when people decide on a flavor while waiting for your previous customer to bike blend theirs. Our sign reads “$5 Bring your own cup = $1” because we like to promote a waste-free event as much as possible!
– Secure cash box. You don’t want your hard-earned money walking away! Lock it up.